Welcome to the ZLG website
We provide information according to our objectives in the fields of
ZLG is central coordination unit of the Laender regarding medicinal products for human and animal use.
- Control of medicinal products in Germany
- description of the drug surveillance system
- competent authorities
- legal provisions
- quality assurance in drug monitoring and testing by authorities
- Committees of the Supreme Laender Authorities and results
- International collaboration regarding the control of medicinal products between the
- EU Member States and EU institutions
- the EU and the candidates for accession
- the EU and third countries
ZLG is notifying authority.
- accreditation conditions and procedures for
- laboratories
- certification bodies for medical devices and in-vitro-diagnostic
- certification bodies for quality management systems
- certification bodies for personnel
- conformity assessment bodies carrying out assessments according to third counties' legislation (USA, Canadas, Australia and New Zealand)
- Sectoral Committees and information exchange of accredited bodies and laboratories
- Competent authorities (national and international)
besides other interesting topics in related areas.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Dr. Rainer Edelhäuser
Director of ZLG